5 reasons why I’m ditching Android for an iPhone

Nice post that I found on the web, please read carefully. Switching your phone to IPhone from Android. I do not think so, but nice comparison with some logical sentences. 1. Upgrading the Android OS  depends on the phone’s model and manufacturer I can’t tell you how annoying it was to buy an Android phone with the promise of an OS upgrade around the corner only to find out later...
AyhanAk Technology

Multitasking the Android Way

Android is fairly unique in the ways it allows multiple applications to run at the same time. Developers coming from a different platform may find the way it operates surprising. Understanding its behavior is important for designing applications that will work well and integrate seamlessly with the rest of the Android platform. This article covers the reasons for Android's multitasking design, its impact on how applications work, and how you...

OAuth: what you need to know

OAuth is an authentication and authorisation protocol, originally developed for web applications, born inside Twitter in 2006. It enables third-party software to do something on your behalf, for a limited time and without giving that software full, permanent access to reserved information. The most common analogy is valet keys. Let's delve a little deeper and find out more about OAuth. Q: So, valet keys. You mean those keys normally handed to...
AyhanAk Technology

Steve’den 10 dersTen lessons from Steve

He’s irreplaceable.  We’ll never see anyone else like him.  Edison, Einstein, Henry Ford… he has left an indelible mark on our society in the last 35 years and for many more to come. Yet, despite his greatness, he also taught us that he’s just a man.  He got up every day, like you and me.  He kissed his family goodbye and he threw his heart and soul into his work...
AyhanAk Leadership

Google Translate API sini kendiniz kullanın..Use Google Translate API by own

Merhabalar, Burada bir Java program ornegi verecegim. Bu program Google Translate API nı kullanarak, girilen texti daha önceden tanımlanmış dillere çeviriyor. Google Translate API yüzlerden API dan sadece bir tanesi, bunları kullanarak daha çok şey yapabilirsiniz. Çevirilecek text burada elle yazıldı, ve çevirilecek dil sayısı da belli ama siz istediğiniz gibi değiştirerek farklı uygulamalar yapabilirsiniz. Mesela biz değiştirdik, hatta Netbeans ve Eclipse i beraber kullanarak bir arayüz tasarladık, text'in girilebileceği,...

Ten Tips for Android Application Development

Beginner tips Learn SQL and put your data models in a database Android has an excellent persistence system; use it to make your applications more robust in case of failure or shutdown, and to make suspending and resuming more efficient. Android's SQLite-based storage system is thoroughly integrated with Android's user interface classes. Android supports the observer pattern in Cursor, Adapter, and View classes, enabling the user interface to connect directly to...

Grundig TVs at IFAGrundig TVs at IFA

Merhabalar, bizim geliştirdiğimiz ürünler bu seneki IFA fuarında müşteri önüne çıkarıldılar. Çalışmalarımızın sonuçlarını sizlere burada sunmaktan çok mutlu olduğumu belirtmek isterim. Lütfen aşağıdaki videoları izleyin.. 2011 IFA - Grundig Smart Inter@ctive TVs Grundig TVs Comfort Guide  Here are the products that we are developing and they were presented in IFA in Berlin/Germany. I am very happy to show you our work results. Have fun. 2011 IFA - Grundig Smart Inter@ctive...