After the new ChatGPT released on 14th March created a bigger attention by many industries. We saw many examples shared on what it’s capable and how much people are able to do. But I will not share any example, rather I will take another look.

Here is a very interesting interview by ABC News with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.

They’re discussing risks, downsides and upsides of Artificial İntelligence. I especially loved the interviewer Rebecca Jarvis who hardly questioned the downsides of AI during the interview. And I loved more the approach by Sam Altman, how they’re taking part and how they’re developing it, with great examples and learnings by a success story of technology. I really recommend listening to it carefully.

My focus on how it’s being developed and several key-points on ´product development´ and ´product management´ 😎

He knew several steps forward, for sure. He said ´Co-create´ and ´Co-Pilot´ to implement with other big tools/products are the correct way to expand this tool. That shows clear strategy in mind. As later, Microsoft re-used as a marketing brand “Co-Pilot” for their Office365 tools.

See @07.49-Sam: “we can have creative tools that help us to figure out the problems we want to solve wonderful new things to co-create with this technology, the idea of a co-pilot of this tool and they love it that we can have that for every profession.”

Sam knows the importance of customer interaction and inclusionat important stages. And mentioning getting in contact with internal and external customers to get this into the reality..

See @13.07-Sam: “we finished GPT-4 a very long time ago, almost 7 months ago, and since then we have been internally and externally talking to people trying to make these decisions working..”

He is underlying the statement of “More you use the tool, the more you rely on it”. That means innovate in iteration in new releases . I cannot agree more than that, it takes time to change the way we think and the way we use. Giving time on it is important. Even he mentioned having version ChatGPT-7 in mind, and now released the 4th Gen, which already finished and ready 7 months ago.. 🤯

Check @08.18 Sam: “if we made ChatGPT-7, which didn’t have contact with reality…. is a lot more of a downside..”

Clear the vision statement for each, and make it work by focusing on the positive outcomes while acting and taking serious on downfalls. Approaching the technology as an enabler and enhancer of life, not the other way around.

@14.09-Rebecca: “AI will likely eliminate millions of jobs, it could increase racial bias misinformation. Why did you create this technology, why?”

See @14.47-Sam: “avoiding the downsides while we push in the direction of the upsides.”

@19.47-Sam: “it’s happened many times with technology when we got the calculator the way we taught maths..”

At the end, unbelievable experience so far, right?

I believe technology would make our life enhanced and upside potential in future at every step 👍🏻


Originally posted on LinkedIn article.

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