What Makes a Manager a True Leader?

Nothing is more nerve-racking than hearing: “There is going to be a change in management” or “You will be getting a new manager.” Immediately all of these questions start populating your brain and taking over your mind: What will he or she be like? Will they be a micromanager? Will they flip my world upside down? Will they be a good mentor? Will we get along? I know the panic....

Success is Goal or Result?

Para kazanmak herşeyden önce disiplinli çalışmayı ve çok çalıştırmayı gerektirir. Yani alınteri ile zengin olmak için çok çalışmak önemlidir. Ama bundan daha önemlisi disiplinli olmaktır... Çok zeki olabilirsiniz. Çok yetenekli de... Ama bunlar yetmez!  Bunların hepsinden önemlisi çok çalışmak ve disiplinli olmaktır... İnsanları iş yapma açısından üçe ayırırım: - Eleman gibi iş yapanlar... - Yönetici veya müdür gibi iş yapanlar... - Patron gibi iş yapanlar... Elemanın en kötüsü "eleman" gibi...
AyhanAk Leadership

Next Step in Work

Causally I read an essay for several weeks ago, about why people leave their jobs. It is really impressive to understand that money is not the only reason to leave their job. Vision, guidance and improvement is needed by everyone. Leaving job is not caused by only a manager for sure, we need to do our homework in parallel. However everything is directly related how you manage it. I strongly...

Apple adds new iOS/OS X programming language: Swift

Swift, a programming language for distributed parallel scripting (if you’re a developer, you know what I’m talking about), can now be used to develop apps for both iOS and OS X, Apple announced during today’s keynote at its five-day WWDC developer-only show in San Francisco. Matter of fact, Swift code can co-exist with Objective-C, which has long been the preferred programming language for iOS development. Jump past the fold for...

Stop doing to be happier..

Sometimes the route to happiness depends more on what you don't do. Happiness--in your business life and your personal life--is often a matter of subtraction, not addition. Consider, for example, what happens when you stop doing the following 10 things: 1. Blaming. People make mistakes. Employees don't meet your expectations. Vendors don't deliver on time. So you blame them for your problems. But you're also to blame. Maybe you didn't provide enough training. Maybe...
AyhanAk Leadership