Ubuntu Mobil cihaza geliyorUbuntu for Mobile

Here comes the Ubuntu Mobile.  ! you just read "Ubuntu Mobile" not Ubuntu laptop. After seeing iOS, Android, Windows Mobile OS you might have feel that a mobile device is different from a computer. Keeping this in mind the Ubuntu team has done a great job. Look at the smooth and fluid navigation of Ubuntu mobile. I am just loving it. Youtube Video:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LoXpLUr5WB4 After seeing this video I have...

Tasarım DesenleriDesign Patterns

 Temmuz 2012" yarışmasında "En iyi C# Makalesi" ödüllü  Temmuz 2012 yarışmasında "En iyi Makale" ödüllü CodeProject'ten gerçekten iyi bir yazı dizisi.. Basit ve faydalı. Bir göz atın.. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/430590/Design-Patterns-1-of-3-Creational-Design-Patterns http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/438922/Design-Patterns-2-of-3-Structural-Design-Patterns http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/455228/Design-Patterns-3-of-3-Behavioral-Design-Patterns  Prize winner in Competition "Best C# article of July 2012"  Prize winner in Competition "Best overall article of July 2012 Article from CodeProject really good samples. Simple and Useful.. have a look.. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/430590/Design-Patterns-1-of-3-Creational-Design-Patterns http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/438922/Design-Patterns-2-of-3-Structural-Design-Patterns http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/455228/Design-Patterns-3-of-3-Behavioral-Design-Patterns

WebOS Architecture

http://openwebosproject.org/docs/architecture#.UGi31013aeU You can dig into more with webos project official website.. come on..

Android initialization from init.rc

As known, android is based on Linux kernel however in this article, we wont deal with kernel. We will try to discover android initialization (particularly zygote)  step by step after the kernel is done. init,  source can be found in /system/core/init/init.c, is started first after the kernel finished his job.(init’s pid is 1) init process parces the init.rc file which has a specific format called the Android Init Language and...

How to get source codes of an apk

Most of the developers sometimes want to see the source codes of some applications for reverse engineering, so do I.  To do that, I learned how to get source codes of an apk and last week when I wanted to see source codes of an apk again I realized that I forgot how to do that so I learned again and I decided to write this entry to remember quickly how to look...

An Update on Flash Player and Android

This post directly copied from Flash website. This is an announcment about unpublishment and any update no longer on Flash Player with Android devices after 15th August. This is important, take care if you have an Android Smart Phone. We announced last November that we are focusing our work with Flash on PC browsing and mobile apps packaged with Adobe AIR, and will be discontinuing our development of the Flash Player for...

Android Developer sayfasının tasarımı yenilendiAndroid Developer Page refreshed by Design

Google, Android Geliştiricileri sayfasında Google I/O öncesinde çeşitli yenilikler yaptı. Tasarım bölümü bağlantısı sayfanın üstüne çıkarılarak daha dikkat çekici hâle getirilirken ana sayfa da biraz daha sadeleştirildi. Daha önceki sürümde yer alan yedi farklı sekmenin sayısı üçe düşürüldü. Google bu sadeleştirmeyi yazılımcıların üç farklı ilgi sepetiyle açıklıyor: Tasarım, Geliştirme ve Dağıtım. Her bir bölüm uygulama geliştirme sürecinin farklı safhalarına odaklanıyor. http://developer.android.com/index.html