Başarılı Girişimcilerden 13 Büyük Başarısızlık ve Bunlardan Aldıkları Dersler

1. ‘Hiç faaliyete geçmemiş bir şirket için 1 milyon dolar harcadık’ Hiten Shah, KISSmetrics Kurucu Ortağı Şirketimizin diğer kurucu ortağı ve ben, hiçbir zaman faaliyete geçirmediğimiz bir internet hosting şirketi için 1 milyon dolar harcadık. Bizler çok fazla mükemmelliyetçiydik, ve müşterilerimizin ne istediklerini anlamadan, yapabileceğimiz en mükemmel ürünü ortaya çıkarmaya çalıştık. Fakat artık, finansımızı akıllıca yönetmeyi, optimizasyon yapmayı ve müşteri memnuniyetine odaklanmayı öğrendik. Hilten, bu başarısız deneyimden sonra KISSmetrics ve...
AyhanAk Technology

The Next Big UI Idea: Gadgets That Adapt To Your SkillThe Next Big UI Idea: Gadgets That Adapt To Your Skill

More and more interactive products are being returned. In 2002, 48% of all returned products were technically fully functional but were rejected for failing to satisfy user needs (28%) or purely due to users’ remorse (20%). Even though a product may have all the features one can hope for, complexity and bad user experience can prevent users from integrating it into their lives. User experiences are subjective and dynamic, but...

Android Developer Days 2013 – Ankara

I have attended to Android Developer Days at 14-15 June in Ankara. It was really great event which any can see many enthusiast people, entrepreneur and business men. At least you can take the breath of Android flora, and see the great apps, tools which any can use with your job.   I have experienced Google Glass at first time. It was exactly different than I expected. It can capture your...

Why we need Google-Glass

I have found a nice article from Loic Le Meur, will keep to follow.. Let's read it out. What's the latest big innovation since the iPhone? The PC becoming a tablet? The iPad becoming "mini"? Of course not. Truth is since the iPhone there was no major new technology breakthrough. The excitement around Google Glass is huge. When I walk in the streets of San Francisco or NY City with...

The best Interface is No Interface?The best Interface is No Interface?

Minimalism has come back in style in Europe and rumours of Steve Jobs and a new form of voice interface just won't go away. The natural extent of minimalism, the singularity in the graphics universe, is of course, no graphics at all. Keen to find out what this would mean, I asked a few colleagues at Alticast to create a voice controlled interface and gave them just a few working...

Android is against to Touch Responsiveness with Project Butter

Google’s Project Butter addresses speed to make the user experience “buttery smooth” in three distinct areas. Project Butter applies to the entire OS, not just the launcher, so this smoothness should be immediately available in every app running on Jelly Bean. Vsync Vsync improves graphical performance and increases the frame rate to 60fps! To ensure a consistent frame rate across the entire experience, Android 4.1 extends vsync timing across all drawing and animation that the...

AltıncıHis teknolojisinin heyecan verici potansiyeliThe thrilling potential of SixthSense technology

İşte Gerçek çok yakın, dokunmatik falan değil; interaktivitenin kendisi.. daha doğrusu sınırların olmadığı bir teknoloji.. Geliştirilebilir ve sürdürülebilir. Çok başarılı.. Pranav Mistry, TEDHindistan'da fiziksel dünya ile veri dünyasının etkileşimine yardımcı olacak çeşitli araçları gösteriyor - kendisinin AltıncıHis cihazı ve yeni, devrimsel kağıt "dizüstü" de buna dahil. Sahnedeki soru-cevap kısmında ise Mistry tüm imkanlara yol vermek için AltıncıHis'in yazılımını açık kaynak olarak sunacağını söylüyor. is so close to us now,...
AyhanAk Technology