IoT Türkiye Kahve Sohbetleri

IoT Türkiye Kahve Sohbetleri

IoT Türkiye'nin Ekim ayındaki etkinlikte konuşmacı olarka Turkcel ve GE ile birlikte keyifli bir sohbetimiz oldu. Telekom, Sağlık ve Akıllı ev alanlarında IoT uygulamaları ve yeni teknolojileri, Müşteri deneyimi ve beklentilerinin nasıl değiştiğini konuştuk. Davetleri ve bu keyifli etkinlik icin IoT Türkiye'ye teşekkür ederim.                         İlgili davet linkleri:
AyhanAk Event

Decentralizing IoT networks through blockchain

Different approach to modelling IoT centric businesses. Articles is searching for some alternatives to todays networks for IoT based products which having thousands/millions of devices are possible in one hand. Some PoF is already done by Samsung and IBM, some others are believing is not effective and other way should be identified.  Advantageous or no-advantage, we'll see.
NKU Arge ve Inovasyon Gunleri

NKU Arge ve Inovasyon Gunleri

BSH Arge'sinde yapılan inovatif çalışmalardan bahsetmek üzere Namık Kemal Universitesi Inovasyon Günleri'ne konuşmacı olarak katıldım. Bu etkinlikte Elektronik Mühendisi tam olarak ne yapar, nelerle uğraşır, yazılım ve elektronik alanlarında ne fırsatlar var gibi konulardan da bahsettik. Bu güzel ve eğlenceli gün icin Namık Kemal Univeritesi Ar-Ge ve Inovasyon Kulübü'ne teşekkür ederim.
AyhanAk Event

Art Of War In Software | Toptal Did you read "The Art of War"? If not, do not to be late any more.. Here is one good writing on Software Development with the strategy art of war.. The most relevant one of Machiavelli's quote is: Never was anything great achieved without danger.
Team Building

Team Building

Creating a "team" is really hard. Setting up, Developing and Keeping it sustainable and continuous work.. It starts with hiring correct person to the right job on time and fitness into the rest of team. Because team is to be formed with different roles and competencies which complementing others. After starting to the job, adaptation takes some time in some periods for each individual and the team for sure (in the order of forming, storming, norming, performing asTuckman said). Later...
Success: I got you!

Success: I got you!

I have seen a group of video on YouTube last week. Evan Carmichael is providing masters’ aspects to success, 10 Rules for Success up to their experiences. I watched most of them and then I suddenly decided to attach a summary what these masters are really saying in common for ruling the success. Off course success is not having one definition and is changing by person to person, however would that be possible...